Exhibiting at JUSTMAD
Exhibiting at JustMad with Juca Claret, from February 24 to 27, 2022. Palacio de Neptuno, Madrid. On the white background, we obtain architectural figures that give us the feeling of uncontrolled chaos. That apparently uncontrolled chaos is for me the essence of paintingOn the other hand, black light, almost imperceptible to the human eye, modifies the environment and makes its perception and that of movement unreal. The space is no longer just the container of the work, but it becomes the work itself. The visitor is enveloped in a perceptive ecstasy in which emotional reactions are amplified, a fact that...

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City lights
Just as in cinema, light and shadow play a fundamental role in conveying emotions, and in stained glass, darkness is essential to project the light source full of colors, I look for that effect in "City lights". "City lights", acrylic on canvas 25 x 25 cm. I look for the effect that the artificial light is standing out against the shadow or against the darkness of the night.

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City Impressions
I look for the effect that the artificial light is standing out against the shadow or against the darkness of the night. Light effects have always mesmerized me. In fact my earliest memories are of me sitting in the back seats of the interior of a car traveling at night. My siblings were not yet born, so I must have been less than 3 years old and my parents were in front of me taking turns driving, I know this because I deduced it from the fact that I was not looking at them. I was looking at the stars,...

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