QUILOMBO Gran Vía 16

As a Quilombera painter, I love to bring summer to Quilombo with its yellow HEAT alert, accompanied by a spiralling golden SUN.

Fresh BODEGONES, in the heat of the summer, with acid colours like lemon yellow, lime green, cadmium orange and in the evening a touch of golden coloured paste.

SPAIN, with its straw-coloured Castile, its light that tinges the buildings of the Gran Vía with titanium. A titanium colour, like the background of the two paintings in the Comedero area.

Pictures painted under the light of the summer sun, seen in a glazed magnifying glass that encourages any sensation.

The vibrant and aggressive feeling, with a touch of cadmium red and Osborne bull black, to the translucent yellow that transports us to the peaceful stillness of siesta time.

Quilombo, Gran vía 16, Madrid