My exhibition with the Quarentena Gallery in Chile
The Thailand Collection was created in 2006 after my first trip to this wonderful part of the world. I was struck by the festival of flavors, smells and colors. All of them accompanied by an exquisite culture full of carefully crafted details. & Nbsp; These works arose from my need to capture what had impacted me. A myriad of things had been etched in my subconscious with brushstrokes and colors, such as the golden domes and buddhas of their temples, the brown waters of the Chao Phraya River, the skies permeated with light and the colorful and tasty foods. The...

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Quinta del berro cultural center. MADRIDUnited by a common harmony and energy, PAINT-DEMIA emerged, a group of twelve national and international artists brought together thanks to one of the Madrid art week fairs.Through the works on display and following the same common thread, we want to show the experiences lived during confinement.That is why we feel the need to turn the exhibition into a solidarity project.20% of sales will go to soup kitchens of the "Vicente de Paúl comprehensive program. Dinning roomMary Immaculate. Missionaries of Charity ”.This is one of the social projects that the Rotary Madrid international club is...

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